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What sets come with the pale moon gx box

what sets come with the pale moon gx box

Is the Compendium an official Pokémon TCG document?

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If we do clarify a ruling’s intent, we try to minimize adding to or changing text and always identify such changes by using around the clarification text. The vast majority of these rulings are literal “copy-and-paste” from WotC chat transcripts or PUI/TPCi Rules Team update logs, although we often clean up spelling, grammar and punctuation (which are often less than optimal in real-time chats) and occasionally add wording for clarity. If you have doubts as to the accuracy of the Compendium, we have provided the source for each and every one of these rulings, so that you may verify them if you wish.

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Our only direct input into the text of the rulings is to clean up typos and/or clarify intent. Rulings are collected from various official sources including documents published by The Pokémon Company International (including expansion FAQs), chat logs (from when Wizards of the Coast published the game), and private rulings meetings with The Pokémon Company International. This resource is compiled and published by Team Compendium, Inc. The Pokémon Trading Card Game Rulings Compendium is a compilation of official rulings from The Pokémon Company, International (TPCi) for the Pokémon Trading Card Game.

What sets come with the pale moon gx box