
Inkscape drawing cirl
Inkscape drawing cirl

inkscape drawing cirl

  • Duplicate circle 2 and make it larger to fit just outside circle 1.
  • Set the fill to be a linear gradient from ffffffff (white) to ffffff00 (transparent) with the white at the bottom of the circle and the transparent at the top.
  • Move circle 5 down so it is closer to the middle of circle 1.
  • Duplicate circle 3 again (call this circle 5) and set the height to be 90px.
  • Align the bottom with the bottom of the fill for circle 1
  • Duplicate circle 3 and flip it vertically (call this circle 4).
  • Set the centre of the gradient near the top and set the opacity to 70%.
  • Set the fill to be a radial gradient of ffffffff (white) to ffffff00 (transparent).
  • Create another circle (call this circle 3) of size 140 x 113px with the top aligned with the fill for circle 1.
  • Set the Stroke for this new circle to be a single lnear gradient from 000000ff (black) to ffffffff (white) with the black at the topand the white at the bottom.
  • Set the stroke width to 2px and set the size to align with the inside of the stroke on the main circle (approximately 167 x 167px).
  • Duplicate circle 1 and remove the fill (we'll call this new circle - circle 2).
  • Align the lighter colour with the white end of the Stroke gradient and the darker colour with the bottom of the circle.
  • Set the fill to be a radial gradient from 004000ff to 60cc60ff.
  • Place the white centre of the gradient and the grey at the bottom of the circle
  • Give the Stroke a linear gradient of ffffffff to 777777ff and set the repeat of the gradient to be Reflected.
  • Draw a circle (We'll call this circle 1) using the ellipse tool while holding the Ctrl key.
  • Where possible I have specified colours in the RRGGBBAA format used throughout Inkscape. Incidentally the source SVG document for this tutorial is available for download under a Creative Commons BY-SA licence.

    inkscape drawing cirl

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    Inkscape drawing cirl